Rumah Di Depok 3 Lantai 5 Menit Ke Tol Desari Akses 2 Mobil

10 March 2025

Harga Jual

Rp. 1.57 Miliar
Luas Tanah: 65 M2Luas Bangunan: 105 M2Kamar Tidur: 5Kamar Mandi: 5Grogol Amethyst GardenLiving In Minimalism & Strategic LocationSeamless AccesibilityIdeally Located In Proximity To Toll Gate,Residence Can Easy Acces To Vibrance City Centre.Hunian Ekslusive 3 Lantai With Rooftop Harga Mulai 1.5 Miliar Luas Tanah 65 S/D 90MLuas Bangunan 105 S/D 140Compact LayoutMaximazing Every InchExtra Room, Parking, And Greenery Kt 5 Km 5 2 Carport Smart Door Listrik 3500 Watt Morning Calm & Fresh Breeze Afternoon Warm & Soothing Ambience Night Restful & Smooth LightingComplete FacilitiesMature SurroundingLess Time Traffic And More Time Celebrating One Gate System Enterance Outdoor Gym Kids PlaygroundSpecification Foundation - Strauss Pile Structure - Reinforced Conrete Wall - Lightweight Brick, Wall Plastered Roof - Lightweight Steel Structure With Bitumen Roof Ceiling - Gypsum Board, Finishing PaintEasy Access To South Jakarta 5 Menit Ke Gerbang Tol Desari 10 Menit Gerbang Tol Limo 10 Menit Masjid Kubah Emas 15 Menit Rs. Permata 20 Menit Ke Krl Depok 25 Menit Ragunan 25 Menit Ke Universitas Indonesia 30 Menit South Jakarta Info Selengkapnya : 085693022xxx#rumahbaru #rumahterlaris #rumahterbaru #rumahdijual #rumahdepok #rumahpancoranmas
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